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Matthew 9:17

Nor do they put new wine into old wineskins or else the wineskins break, the wine is spilled, and the wineskins are ruined. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.

New wine leaks from old wineskins. Our belief in the truth that we are new wineskins filled with new wine is vital to transformation. If we can’t see or don’t want to see we are new then we will constantly be attempting to fill up over and over again rather than living and giving out of the new covenant of the grace of God that NEVER runs dry.

We don’t need to rehabilitate our old dead flesh and try to force new life into our old hearts. Our flesh has been crucified with Christ Jesus and no longer lives. The propensity to live out of the sinful nature is deception.

The propensity to put new covenant, new creation wine into an old nasty sinner is futile. That new wine continues to run through the cracks in the dead man that we keep trying desperately to revive. Our old hearts can’t hold new creation wine.

That is why Jesus Christ has given us new hearts of flesh and removed our old cold stony hearts. We are NOT to revive the old dead man through inerrant beliefs. We are to PUT on the new man who is made righteous in Christ Jesus. We put new wine into new wine skins and rivers flow from our belly in the proper ways.

Burnout happens because believers try to live in false humility by insisting that they are still sinners and believing that they still have an old sinful nature and embrace an imaginary duality that Jesus Christ has killed for us.

We are egregiously taught that we must overcome our sinful nature and live and perform as a Christian should. Be a good little Christian and then leave the church and struggle with the same old sinful patterns again and again.

Religion promotes a vicious cycle of living but agreement with the truth that we have been made holy and righteous produces freedom and allows the new wine to have a powerful home in our new wineskins. Confidence in our new creations helps us shun fear and act courageously.

We can overcome being afraid by putting the truth foremost in our minds. For example; if we embrace the reality that we have not been given a spirit of fear, then we will see that every time we are afraid it is the enemy, and Jesus Christ has beaten the power of the enemy and given us His victory and His authority over the cut-off withering branch and all rulers and dominions of darkness.

If we truly believe that we have NO fear in us and that fear is NOT a part of who we are, then we will pull down strongholds and advance the kingdom of our magnificent Father.

Fear will leave us and freedom will be our strength. We may still feel fear from time to time but we will easily defeat it and forbid it from stopping us from achieving our Father’s plans. Today let’s embrace truth with new wine confidence. Hallelujah!

Father, I am extremely grateful for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for saving me. I will praise Your Name every day of my new creation life. I am free from the old man forever.

I am truly blessed in every aspect of my life. I know that when fear strikes You will be with me and we will overcome all the obstacles that the enemy throws in my way.

I will take every thought captive that sets itself up against the knowledge of Your magnificent truth. I know that You are for me and not against me. I know that You have made me the head and not the tail.

I know that You will bless the work of my hands. I know that You love me and I love me too. I am thankful beyond measure. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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