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John 15:8

“By this, My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”

Jesus has already made our tree good. His work on our new creation hearts is completed. The finished work of Christ is yearning for our agreement to expand its influence into the outer courts of our temples.

Being a disciple, a disciplined one, takes longer than it should primarily because we have been taught to rehabilitate our old dead sinful nature and harness its wicked desires to live like a Christian should. We desperately defibrillate our old dead natures to try and shock them into obedience.

All the while Holy Spirit is on the inside in an immaculate new creation bidding us to agree with the marvelous status He has given to us so that our new creation identity can live and breathe and subdue our imaginary dead flesh.

It is the same with fearfulness. All fear is on the outside looking to push familiar disconnected buttons to get us to feel afraid before something negative even happens. If the demonic realm can manipulate our emotions then it can sway us away from truth and cause us to beg Father in prayer for something He has already given to us.

Our emotions also can cause us to not walk in the authority that Jesus Christ has imparted to us and then we become ineffective in prayer and dominion over our sphere of influence.

We are healed, set-feee, and delivered and if we are stubborn with our agreement with the Word of God we will see that happen in other people all around us. The fruit of the Spirit grows automatically out of the soil of steadfast agreement with the Word of God.

As we push out all negative thoughts we become equipped to wield our Christ-given authority to pull down demonic strongholds and imaginations that set themselves up against the knowledge of our Holy Magnificent Father. Using our authority brings the Father the glory that He deserves.

Father, I am exceedingly grateful for Your Grace and Mercy and for the finished work of Jesus Christ in me. I am a new creation. The old has gone and the new has come. I will take all thoughts that are contrary to truth and slay them with Your excellent Word. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am free from all fear and all dread and all anxiety and all worries. I’m so thankful that the old me is dead.

Holy Spirit, please show me when I disagree with Your truth. Thank You for creating a clean heart and renewing a steadfast Spirit within me. I am a new creation and I’m thankful. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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