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Pursuing the Knowledge of the Lord: A Journey of Knowing

Pursuing the Knowledge of the Lord: A Journey of Knowing

Hosea 6:3 reminds us of the importance of pursuing the knowledge of the Lord:

“Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth.”

Knowledge is good, but knowing is best. There is a distinct difference between acquiring information and embracing transformative truth. Knowing is the key to experiencing the power of the Gospel of Grace poured out through our Savior, Jesus Christ. It is a choice—one that takes thoughts captive and drowns out lies with truth.

The Battle for Knowing

In Christ, we are made righteous, holy, and blameless. Yet, many of us struggle with old narratives that contradict this reality—like the belief that we are still “dirty sinners.” Such thinking is false humility and directly opposes what our Father declares in His Word. Yes, we knew enough to be saved, but now comes the battle: standing firm in the truth of our new identity.

Our enemy is cunning, using this broken world system, past habits, well-intentioned church members, and even loved ones to shake our certainty. But knowledge of the Bible is not enough; we must KNOW that we are new creations, filled with the Holy Spirit, empowered to worship in Spirit and truth.

The spirit of religion often urges us to accumulate knowledge simply to be right. But being right is not the goal—being righteous is. We are not rehabilitating our old, crucified selves; we are learning to live from our new hearts.

The Certainty of His Coming

God is the only dependable One. He is as sure as the rains that sustained the Hebrew people. Rain does more than nourish the earth—it settles dust, clarifies vision, enhances beauty, and allows life to thrive. Likewise, knowing Christ and His finished work brings clarity, transformation, and the sure hope of His return.

Jesus IS coming back. He WILL reign in righteousness. He WILL create a new heaven and a new earth, and we will no longer know in part but fully, as we are fully known. Until then, we must partner with His finished work and press into our marvelous new identity.

Walking in Our New Creation Identity

Transformation happens naturally when we examine our thoughts and emotions, subjecting them to the truth of God’s Word. Every lie must be rejected, every doubt silenced with praise. Knowing who we are in Christ keeps us from stagnation and stale religion. Our new identity brings glory to our Father. Hallelujah!

A Prayer for Knowing

Father, I am so grateful for Your grace and mercy. Your salvation plan is amazing. I choose to take every thought captive so that I may know You more deeply. I am a new creation, filled with Your Spirit. Holy Spirit, teach me to know You and the finished work of Jesus Christ more intimately. I am exactly who You say I am—righteous, holy, and blameless. I will believe Your Word no matter what I see, hear, or feel. I will ignore the cut-off, withering branch and praise You through every storm. Thank You, Father. I love You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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