Hebrews 1:3: who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,
In the beginning, Father said “Let there be light” on day one of creation. On day four He created the sun moon and stars. What then illuminated the world before the creation of the lights that now govern the world? Jesus Christ is the light of the world.
He is the way the truth and the life. Light and life have a unique relationship. Without light life is impossible. There is a force in light that sustains life. There is great power in the light.
Light is a vital part of our lives and in the beginning, before sin, it was pure and simple and beautiful. Then it was divided into spectrums so that it would weaken its power.
The light was bent and subject to frustration. However, light because it emanates from Jesus Christ, even though it is subjected to the fall still shines gloriously and sustains life.
Light is going to be free one day from its bondage to decay and like the rest of creation, it will tell its story and praise its Creator for its ultimate liberation.
A good friend of mine made the observation through a revelation from the Holy Spirit, that when you turn a light on darkness doesn’t fight back. The light instantaneously conquers the darkness. Darkness flees. Darkness doesn’t have the power.
Light has the power. The only hope that darkness has to occupy territory is that light doesn’t shine. Christians, convinced that they are sinners, are dull lights at best. Treating ourselves as dirty sinners, when Jesus Christ has forgiven us of all our sins, is prideful false humility.
Turning off agreement with the Word of truth veils our lights with lies. If we really believe in what the Word says, then we will shine brightly.
And our positive illuminations bring new life. We as the body of Christ underestimate the power of the light of the world, the uncreated God, who resides inside of us and desires to shine through us every day.
Let’s intentionally visualize and expect light to shine through us and create more new creation life everywhere we go. Hallelujah !!!
Father, I am so grateful for Your light. I want to see Your light accomplish everything that You have purposed in my life. I know I will see people healed, set free, and delivered through the illumination of Almighty God flowing through me.
I am a new creation and there is no darkness in me at all. All dark thoughts temptations and negative emotions are on the outside trying to get back in.
I know that You have made a way where there was no way to be free from sin and be a new creation. I am truly grateful for new life and light.
I look forward to the Day when Your light will illuminate the holy city, the new Jerusalem, and we won’t need the sun to shine because You are the light of the world. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.