Ephesians 6:18
“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints”
Paul, by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, lays out our new creation reality for us to accept and thrive in. We must SEE ourselves as we truly are. We are covered in the armor of God. We have received the Gospel of peace. We have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
We have the truth of the Word of God, Jesus Christ, wrapped tightly around us. Our heads are protected by absolute truth. We have been assigned a very intimate shield to protect us and move us forward into all truth with steadfast, rock-solid faith.
But deception and the crooked and perverse world system hurl lies at us to steal our new creation identity. Why? Because the enemy fears us. He is petrified that we will SEE that we have the power and authority to crush his strongholds. Knowing the absolute truth about our new creation identity will sharpen us into glorious, victorious warriors.
One of the lies that are propagated against us is that we are lousy sinners at our core and are helpless and terminally evil. Some believers pray on their armor daily but I believe this is also a lie. We are new creations and this is our spiritual reality that is begging to be made an actual reality by faith and by a steadfast belief in truth no matter what we SEE or feel.
Our prayer life changes dramatically as we embrace our new powerful identity. Dropping the I’m a sinner mentality and all such false humility opens us up to be able to pray aright. True humbleness comes from a confident new creation identity that insists that the old has gone and the new has come. The old feels like it may still be alive but it is on the outside trying to get back in.
DO NOT let it keep you from growing in grace ignore it and it will subside. With all this in mind then how do we pray in the Spirit? How do we wield the sword of the Word of God? By agreeing that the Word of God is true and that by Father’s amazing grace, we have been translated from death to life we bear the full armor of God and we have tremendous power and authority.
Instead of whining and begging our Father to intervene in a matter, we can confidently slice through deception with the truth of who we are to defeat the root cause of all our maladies, crooked and perverse principalities, and fallen rulers of the air that pretentiously puff themselves up to make us believe that they have more power than us.
That is utterly FALSE. We have been given power and authority from Jesus Christ Himself! Now we need to use it. We need to visualize fire and light proceeding from us to devour sickness and disease and demons that cause division and destruction amongst us. We must SEE that the powers and authorities of this earth are created and inferior to the uncreated power that resides in us.
We lose far too many battles because we let experience form our belief system rather than letting truth reign in our new creation temples. Let’s push out all negative thoughts and emotions and embrace the wonderful truth that we are mighty warriors who can crush our enemies and bring Father the glory that He so deserves. Do you SEE it?
Father, I’m so grateful for Your grace and love. I am blessed beyond my own comprehension. Thank You for saving me. I will walk in great confidence in the finished work of Jesus Christ that dwells in me. My reality is what You say and not what I SEE.
I am free from doubt and fear and false humility. I know that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and equipped to take over enemy territory. I will pray with greater expectation than ever before because I know that everything You say is absolutely true.
I will envision light and fire emanating from me as I pray for myself and other image-bearers. I SEE my life differently now as I force myself to focus on my new creation as You SEE it. I’m ready to make a difference in this world as You have so carefully planned for all of Your children to do. I’m truly grateful. I love You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.