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America: The Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah


Explore America’s place in the end-times prophecy as outlined in Daniel and Revelation. Discover if the U.S. is mentioned, its role during the Tribulation, and its fate as a superpower. Uncover what might happen to “America, the Beautiful” in the final seven years.

Madison Christian Books, LLC 978-1737700395 January 24, 2022 English 108 pages


Meet the Author

Kevin Madison

Books By Kevin Madison View All
God’s Model of Forgiveness
America: The Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah
America: The Judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah
The God Who Loves and Hates
The God Who Loves and Hates
The Chastisement of the LORD
The Chastisement of the LORD


Many have inquired about the United States of America’s status during the biblical end-times prophecy. Mainly, where does she fit within God’s plan for the final seven years of human rule history on the earth as outlined in the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation? This biblical period is called by several names: The Day of the Lord, Jacob’s Trouble, and The Tribulation / Great Tribulation.

Is America mentioned by name in biblical prophecy? What will be America’s role during the end-time events? Will America continue to be the sole “superpower” during the tribulation years?

If America is not mentioned, does this mean that she is no longer a nation, no longer a “superpower”?

What happened to her? Let us investigate the most likely faith of America, the Beautiful.


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