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SAY YES TO JESUS First addition – FREE!
This lesson enables everyone, even young ones, to understand their redemption through the shedding of Jesus’ blood and the cross. To be pardoned and be admitted into Heaven, we need to be cleansed of our sins by the perfect, sinless blood of Jesus. Heaven is closed to sin! Saying yes to Jesus and abiding by His commands and precepts is the only way to be free from sin.
“Say YES to Jesus” is a teaching to help all people know the salvation they have in the blood of Jesus and His cross. “
According to God, no one is good, ALL have sinned (Romans 3:23). Sin can never enter Heaven. Only the perfect blood of Jesus can wash your sinful blood clean so you can enter Heaven.” The only way to be clean from sin, is to say YES to Jesus and follow His will and ways.
for ages 8 to 120+, Keeping it Simple!
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