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Colossians–Christos Singularis


This study of Colossians delves into the doctrine of the Trinity and its profound implications for understanding our own nature. It asserts that, while we are not Trinitarian in the same way as God, we reflect His Trinitarian character as part of being made in His image (Genesis 1:26). Just as an image resembles but is not identical to the original, we mirror God’s Trinitarian nature in our own lives. This study explores how God’s revealed character as a Trinity shapes our understanding and application of Scripture, while also acknowledging instances in Scripture where the concept of God’s singularity is expressed.

Pilgrim Platform 978-0982038550 May 14, 2010 English 288 pages


Meet the Author

Phillip A. Ross

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This study of Colossians takes the doctrine of the Trinity seriously and applies it broadly. It’s assumed to be true of God, and therefore true of people because we are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26). We are not trinitarian in the same way that God is, but in a similar way, in the way that the image of a thing is not identical to the thing, but is recognizably similar. God’s trinitarian character is the “image” in which He created us because God’s Trinitarian character is the way that He has revealed Himself to us. It is the “image” of Him that we are to “see” in Scripture. And occasionally, the idea of God as singularity seems to find expression in Scripture.


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