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The Big Ten–The Ten Commandments


Get a proper understanding of biblical Christianity that speaks to our problems and addresses issues of orthodoxy and error that plague modern society.
Pilgrim Platform 978-0982038536 September 17, 2008 English 108 pages


Meet the Author

Phillip A. Ross

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The body of law for any modern country, and in particular the United States’ most litigious society in history- is phenomenally large. So, how is it that we live in an age of increasing lawlessness? People don’t like to talk about God’s law. For the most part, contemporary Christians believe that they have arrived at a time in history that is beyond the application of any Old Testament laws, and in many cases, a time that is beyond all biblical law. People have converted the gospel of grace to mean a gospel without law obligation or responsibility. The good news that is preached in too many pulpits today is lawlessness, couched in terms of a gospel of positive thinking, of upbeat moralisms intended to make life better. To justify the human distaste for biblical law, Christians no longer speak of God’s law or the human obligation to it. However, the Bible is not a divided witness. It is a whole, a unity. God’s Word. God’s testimony is completely true.


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