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Galatians – Backstory / Christory
Galatians – Backstory / Christory

Galatians – Backstory / Christory

Understanding the New Testament without grasping the overarching narrative of the Old Testament often leads to misconceptions about Jesus Christ's role and purpose in the Bible. Paul's letter to the Galatians is frequently misunderstood because many fail to appreciate how Paul's understanding of the Old Testament transformed in light of Christ. As a former Pharisee, Paul initially interpreted the Old Testament through traditional Jewish lenses. However, his encounter with Christ radically shifted his perspective, aligning it with Jesus' interpretation of Scripture. To fully grasp Paul's message in Galatians, it's essential to explore how Christ illuminated and transformed Paul's original understanding of the Old Testament narrative.
God’s Great Plan for the Whole World
God’s Great Plan for the Whole World

God’s Great Plan for the Whole World

Explore the biblical story from Creation to Redemption through a twenty-first century lens in this modern overview. Drawing on contemporary data and perspectives, this book reveals the intricate truths of the Bible, much like medical science has uncovered the complexities of the human body. While respecting the beliefs of past generations, it acknowledges the inevitable influence of our own worldview. Discover how our current context shapes our understanding of the Bible's timeless message.


"In 'I Will Walk Again,' Stan Moody tenderly recounts his late wife Jo-Ann's courageous battle with multiple sclerosis. Written from Jo-Ann's perspective, this memoir captures her journey from diagnosis to acceptance, offering a poignant narrative of resilience, hope, and the enduring power of the human spirit.
Informal Christianity–Refining Christ’s Church
Informal Christianity–Refining Christ’s Church

Informal Christianity–Refining Christ’s Church

Informal Christianity explores the personal relationship with Jesus Christ that underpins true Christianity. It discusses personal discipleship, being born again, and living a regenerated life through the Holy Spirit. The book warns that without these internal realities, churches shift focus from core doctrines to administration and growth. Emphasizing the need for biblical doctrine and theology, it calls for a return to the heart of Christianity, fostering genuine spiritual life and maturity.
John’s Miracles — Seeing Beyond Our Expectations
John’s Miracles — Seeing Beyond Our Expectations

John’s Miracles — Seeing Beyond Our Expectations

Explore John's unique approach to Jesus' miracles, balancing the humanity and divinity of Christ in his Gospel. As the last Gospel written, John offers a fresh perspective, challenging the typical, almost magical understanding of Jesus' miracles. He acknowledges natural explanations while emphasizing the supernatural, making a compelling case for the miraculous. Unlike the liberal wing of the modern church, which often dismisses the supernatural, John integrates it with rational thought, enhancing its credibility. This nuanced perspective invites a deeper, more meaningful understanding of Scripture, blending faith with reason.


This empowering book uncovers the true desire of God's heart for women, explores the original Greek texts of the Bible, and provides insight into the tactics of emotional abusers. Learn about the effects of abuse, the beauty of healthy relationships, and the weapons to combat oppression. Gain practical tips for moving forward and embracing your God-given strength and purpose.
Life in God’s Kingdom: How to Manifest Heaven on Earth
Life in God’s Kingdom: How to Manifest Heaven on Earth

Life in God’s Kingdom: How to Manifest Heaven on Earth

"Discover how to bring Heaven's reality to earth with 'Life in God's Kingdom.' This transformative book explores spiritual principles for manifesting God's majesty in daily life. Topics include spiritual warfare, prosperity, and embracing Jesus' authority and power. Learn how to live in freedom and wield spiritual weapons effectively. Ideal for those seeking spiritual, emotional, and financial success aligned with God's Kingdom principles."
Marking God’s Word–Understanding Jesus
Marking God’s Word–Understanding Jesus

Marking God’s Word–Understanding Jesus

There is much confusion in and out of the church about Christianity—Jesus' life, Jesus' teachings, Jesus' death, and Jesus' resurrection. Is confusion about the gospel of Jesus Christ new to the contemporary world? When did the confusion begin? What is the confusion about? How have people dealt with it? These are the questions that have guided this commentary on Mark.
Peter’s Vision of Christ’s Purpose
Peter’s Vision of Christ’s Purpose

Peter’s Vision of Christ’s Purpose

This book understands Peter's first letter with the eyes of modern, post-resurrection faithfulness as if Peter were writing to us. And since he was writing to all the saints, he was. In these pages, we will see how Peter's vision of the progressive revelation of Christ in history fueled the scientific and technological revolutions that have already created a new world.
Peter’s Vision of The End

Peter’s Vision of The End

The end that Peter was talking about in Second Peter was the purpose of God for Jesus Christ. God was using Jesus Christ to bring the gospel of salvation to the Gentiles, to humanity, to the world. Consequently, Peter was not suggesting that God’s purpose was the destruction of the world. Rather, God was working to save the world. God’s message was and is a message of hope not hate, of love not loathes, of construction not destruction, of peace not war, and of suffering not fulfillment.