This book is from the “street,” down in the valley where people actually live. It is not sad or morose, but it is serious–and it’s about sin, yours and mine. It is an invitation to think more deeply about things, the things we believe, and this troubled world. Time is a funny thing. We all live in it. Most of us are slaves to it, driven by appointments and schedules that must be kept. Asking people to think about time is like asking a fish to think about water one important difference. As far as we know, fish can’t think at all. Ross asks us to think about time, about how much time we have, how much we need, and about what we do with it. This book is about schedules and appointments ours, but God’s, divine schedules and divine appointments. God is also on a schedule and has appointments to make, and a timetable to keep. He has appointments with you and with me. He’ll eventually meet with everyone because He has some things to go over, some accounts to settle.
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