God’s Model of Forgiveness
Discover how a rebellious slave, deserving of death and separated from his Master, can find forgiveness and restoration through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ.
GoodNews 2023: Evangel
Today St. Paul’s continues to recover, explore, and celebrate her faithful rootage by being faithful to the love and grace of Jesus Christ. We are thoroughly American and have been for generations. This is where we have been planted, and this is where we are blooming. We are a hearty breed, faithful to the best of the ministry of Jesus Christ. St. Paul’s was originally founded to serve its local community in a language that they understood: German. Today we continue to serve that same mission: St. Paul’s aims to provide Christian worship, study, and service in a language that people understand. Of course, this means English, but more than that. We aim to make the gospel and the Bible understandable to ordinary people.
It’s About Time!—The Time Is Now
This book is not about a mountaintop experience nor is it from a mountaintop perspective. Rather, it is from the "street," down in the valley where people actually live.
This empowering book uncovers the true desire of God's heart for women, explores the original Greek texts of the Bible, and provides insight into the tactics of emotional abusers. Learn about the effects of abuse, the beauty of healthy relationships, and the weapons to combat oppression. Gain practical tips for moving forward and embracing your God-given strength and purpose.