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Acts Of Faith–Kingdom Advancement
Acts Of Faith–Kingdom Advancement

Acts Of Faith–Kingdom Advancement

Jesus was the most misunderstood man in history — and He still is. But does He stand alone? Has anyone ever completely understood what the Lord was up to? This study of Acts shows that Paul understood Jesus, and carried forward Jesus' perspective, not simply Paul's perspective. It was an old perspective because it was a biblical perspective, not a new perspective.
Informal Christianity–Refining Christ’s Church
Informal Christianity–Refining Christ’s Church

Informal Christianity–Refining Christ’s Church

Informal Christianity explores the personal relationship with Jesus Christ that underpins true Christianity. It discusses personal discipleship, being born again, and living a regenerated life through the Holy Spirit. The book warns that without these internal realities, churches shift focus from core doctrines to administration and growth. Emphasizing the need for biblical doctrine and theology, it calls for a return to the heart of Christianity, fostering genuine spiritual life and maturity.
Colossians–Christos Singularis
Colossians–Christos Singularis

Colossians–Christos Singularis

This study of Colossians delves into the doctrine of the Trinity and its profound implications for understanding our own nature. It asserts that, while we are not Trinitarian in the same way as God, we reflect His Trinitarian character as part of being made in His image (Genesis 1:26). Just as an image resembles but is not identical to the original, we mirror God's Trinitarian nature in our own lives. This study explores how God's revealed character as a Trinity shapes our understanding and application of Scripture, while also acknowledging instances in Scripture where the concept of God's singularity is expressed.