Walking With Jesus – Volume 1
Join an exciting adventure into the life of Jesus Christ. Volume 01 covers His first year of ministry, starting with an outline of the "Walking With Jesus" series. Learn about the Gospel authors, Jesus' annunciation, birth, and baptism.
Rock Mountain Creed–Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount
The ineffectiveness of the church in our world is tied to our own regurgitation of old answers. It is not that we need new Christian answers, but that we need renewed hearts and minds to engage God’s answers through regeneration.
Acts Of Faith–Kingdom Advancement
Jesus was the most misunderstood man in history — and He still is. But does He stand alone? Has anyone ever completely understood what the Lord was up to? This study of Acts shows that Paul understood Jesus, and carried forward Jesus' perspective, not simply Paul's perspective. It was an old perspective because it was a biblical perspective, not a new perspective.
Say YES to Jesus: Understanding SALVATION by Keeping it Simple
This teaching helps all people, including children, know the salvation they have in the shed blood of Jesus and His cross. Only the sacrifice of Jesus and His perfect sinless blood can wash us clean or erase our sins, so we can be forgiven and enter Heaven. Sin cannot enter Heaven! The only way to be clean from sin is to say Yes to Jesus and follow His will and ways.