The God Who Loves and Hates
Discover the story behind the divine favoritism of Jacob over Esau. Uncover why the God of love might show such animosity, and explore the intense rivalry between the twins.
The Religious History of Marietta in the Nineteenth Century
Written by a Congregational minister at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, this history of Marietta is reproduced with footnotes and appendix regarding religious issues of that time.
It’s About Time!—The Time Is Now
This book is not about a mountaintop experience nor is it from a mountaintop perspective. Rather, it is from the "street," down in the valley where people actually live.
Rock Mountain Creed–Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount
The ineffectiveness of the church in our world is tied to our own regurgitation of old answers. It is not that we need new Christian answers, but that we need renewed hearts and minds to engage God’s answers through regeneration.
The Big Ten–The Ten Commandments
Get a proper understanding of biblical Christianity that speaks to our problems and addresses issues of orthodoxy and error that plague modern society.
Engagement–Establishing Relationship in Christ
Engaging in a relationship with Jesus Christ in the contemporary world is not what many people think it is.
Ephesians—Recovering the Vision of a Sustainable Church In Christ
A biblical perspective that issues out of the wholeness of the Bible and shows the Bible’s sustainable depth and breadth for the twenty-first century
Acts Of Faith–Kingdom Advancement
Jesus was the most misunderstood man in history — and He still is. But does He stand alone? Has anyone ever completely understood what the Lord was up to? This study of Acts shows that Paul understood Jesus, and carried forward Jesus' perspective, not simply Paul's perspective. It was an old perspective because it was a biblical perspective, not a new perspective.
Marking God’s Word–Understanding Jesus
There is much confusion in and out of the church about Christianity—Jesus' life, Jesus' teachings, Jesus' death, and Jesus' resurrection. Is confusion about the gospel of Jesus Christ new to the contemporary world? When did the confusion begin? What is the confusion about? How have people dealt with it? These are the questions that have guided this commentary on Mark.
The True Mystery of The Mystical Presence
Think of this book as a contemporary edition of John Williamson Nevin’s book, The Mystical Presence—A Vindication of the Reformed or Calvinistic Doctrine of the Holy Eucharist (J.B. Lippencort & Co., 1846). It is not simply a reissue of an old book. Rather, it’s a sort of dynamic equivalence approach to editing in order to make it more available to contemporary people. I have simply tried to take Nevin’s work and make it my own, in the sense of comprehending its significance and application. In doing so, I have taken broad license to edit, interpret, clarify, and expand what I think Nevin was saying.