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Spiritual Growth

God’s Great Plan for the Whole World
God’s Great Plan for the Whole World

God’s Great Plan for the Whole World

Explore the biblical story from Creation to Redemption through a twenty-first century lens in this modern overview. Drawing on contemporary data and perspectives, this book reveals the intricate truths of the Bible, much like medical science has uncovered the complexities of the human body. While respecting the beliefs of past generations, it acknowledges the inevitable influence of our own worldview. Discover how our current context shapes our understanding of the Bible's timeless message.
Informal Christianity–Refining Christ’s Church
Informal Christianity–Refining Christ’s Church

Informal Christianity–Refining Christ’s Church

Informal Christianity explores the personal relationship with Jesus Christ that underpins true Christianity. It discusses personal discipleship, being born again, and living a regenerated life through the Holy Spirit. The book warns that without these internal realities, churches shift focus from core doctrines to administration and growth. Emphasizing the need for biblical doctrine and theology, it calls for a return to the heart of Christianity, fostering genuine spiritual life and maturity.
Practically Christian–Applying James Today
Practically Christian–Applying James Today

Practically Christian–Applying James Today

This book seeks to shine the light of Scripture into the darkened recesses of the contemporary church by shining the light of James into the hearts of its contemporary readers. This is an intensely personal work in the sense that it attempts to get at issues that few people (or preachers) are willing to talk about, but are essential for the gospel to take root in our lives.